Monday, March 1, 2010

Clowns Are Evil

Why are so many people afraid of clowns? Is it the abnormally large and inebriated looking red nose? Is it the fact that they look like a disturbed and beaten up porcelain doll? Or are we always on our guard, just waiting for them to spray us with that gay little flower pertruding from their chest? As adults, we've usually come to terms with our fears, and have been able to sift through the troubling memories of "Little Billy's" birthday party crasher. The fact of the matter is...clowns are horrifyingly creepy. Perhaps movies like, "Killer Clowns from Outer Space" and "It" have eternally disfigured our perseption of reality. Or maybe it's because Michael Myers from "Halloween" was wearing a clown costume the night he killed his sister. Children seem to be accepting of the idea of a giant man in a costume, until they're standing in front of the beast. Being in the presence of a 6 foot, 6 inch, loud maniac is unsettling to a 5 year old. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I never recall having met a Mrs. Ronald McDonald. There's something a little disturbing about a man all in yellow running around the playground with kids. Clowns tend to be the "bad guy" you just don't trust. Even in the Disney movie, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," I still didn't trust Clopin Trouillefou the jester. A famous sociologist, Peter Berger writes that "It seems plausible that folly and fools, like religion and magic, meet some deeply rooted needs in human society." Bull crap! How are clowns meeting some deeply rooted need in human society? Either he's a closet clown, or he's saying we're all messed up in the head and need comfort from an annoyingly colorful and disturbed weirdo. Their comic value is limited to a very small amount of time. Their hilarity is phony and over dramatized. People tend to watch them from afar with a concerned smile on their face; not saying anything for fear that their faces may be ripped off. And those are just the everyday clowns. On the other side of the spectrum, we have the Rodeo clowns. Those guys are in a whole class of their own. Who'd want to spend their whole day cooped up with an angry bull and just a couple of barrels to hide in? Not me...They're what have been called the crazies of the crazies. Beware! DO NOT ENTER the 10 foot radius of craziness, or you'll be eaten alive!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I have always hated clowns without really knowing why..... I guess I do know now! haha
