Sunday, April 18, 2010

Toxic Lipstick

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess. You know the story of Snow White; she had hair black as ebony, lips as red as a rose and skin as white as snow. She ran from her evil step-mother and came upon the home of the seven dwarves. Here she was safe until her evil step-mother, disguised as a peddler, found and convinced her to take a bite of a "bad apple," literally. Presumed dead, Snow White was laid to rest in a glass coffin for all to admire her beautiful dead body. Out of the blue, some random prince from who knows where, shows up to kiss her dead frozen lips. Snow White miraculously awakens. She leaps into the prince's arms, they ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after...Or so we were told...What the Brothers Grimm failed to capture was the aftermath of the kiss. They easily exclaimed that the ending was happy; it was much simpler to state this fact than to explain the truth. Snow White led us to believe that there was no deceit beneath her shallow, musically annoying innocence. We all believed that it was normal and sweet that a woman could fall in love with a man after one or two encounters that were, let's just say, unrealistic. There can only be two reasons that Snow White was so readily willing to be with her Prince Charming. One, she's as easy as a country Megan Fox look-a-like who orders three, double Jack Daniels with Coke on the first date; or two, she's a case of what I'd like to call, Toxic Lipstick. I'd vote on the latter; although it would be entertaining to see the Jack Daniels girl. Toxic Lipstick is the name I've given a woman that's known for her short and prosperous escapades, enjoyed by only herself in the aftermath of a failed relationship. These are the type of women who wear those daring red dresses and sit alone at the bar, acting as if they don't care if you're looking or not. (We all know they do.) She's the type that laughs in the face of others' misfortunes, and says things like, "Blah, Blah, Blah!" Not that I'm calling anyone out...The sad truth is that our poor Prince Charming was led down the infamous path of the "Players." He bought into the lie that you should follow your heart, even if it leads you straight to hell. He followed his heart straight into a painful and drawn out whine fest of the "I needed's" and "Why didn't you's." We live in the time of pampered princesses and spoiled brats claiming their entitlement and ownership of reality. The never-ending need for attention and validation of their bad behavior poisons the following generations of young women. With our society's acceptance of the "Home wrecker" lifestyle, Toxic Lipstick will live on. Why did our black-haired beauty really decide to live with seven short men neck deep in diamonds? Snow White: innocent bystander to everyday evils, or pernicious and cruel example of the prowling Toxic Lipstick? You decide.


  1. I absolutely loved Toxic lipstick you are something and Jarad is a lucky man I love your thought process and wit. Jim and I were wondering if there was someone you had in mind??

  2. This is Cath by the way...
